Last week, we told you a few of the many (many, many) reasons why Jessica Alba is our #WomanCrushWednesday, every day, even when it’s not Wednesday. This week, we wanted to tell you about our other love: Mark Ruffalo.
Mark Ruffalo’s mother Marie Rose (Hebert) and younger brother Scott Ruffalo were both hairdressers. Need we say more? Just look at those luscious locks of hair! If ever there was a personification of the #AvedaMen esthete, Ruffalo is it.
As an Aveda concept salon, we prefer sustainabeauty (beauty that is beyond skin deep) – and that is where Mark Ruffalo really shines. Not only is Mark Ruffalo outspoken against fracking, he also founded the Solutions Project, which pushes for 100% renewable energy. He also actively engages with the Water Defense, a group dedicated to clean water initiatives. At Dickinson College to receive an environmental award in early 2015, Ruffalo told graduates, “I’m here to tell you that ‘activist’ is not a dirty word.” (Did we mention that Aveda is the only beauty company to manufacture using 100% renewable energy?)
So Mark, please stop by Craig Stewart Salon the next time you’re in the Atlanta area! We’d love to see you and your gorgeous hair.